Saturday, August 31, 2013

ideas anyone!

Ok, so don't we all have at least one room in our home we just can't make quite "right"!
For me it is my dining room.  The furniture needs some updating!  It has been in my husband's family and we are not planning on a new set.

I painted the buffet in "Aubusson Blue" chalk paint and I clear and dark waxed it.  I think the window treatments are staying, at least for now!

So, how do I pull the look together?  Do I paint the chairs the same color as the buffet? Eventually I would like to recover the seats...something French looking, maybe grain sack? 

Any ideas from my friend's who are good at designing/decorating?  This room has always stumped me a bit!


Friday, August 16, 2013

end of summer flowers....bittersweet!

I was out in my yard today, mowing and pruning and admiring those end of summer flowers in full bloom.  I love the sunlight here in the northeast at this time of year.  it casts pretty shadows in the afternoon and is a softer light than in mid-summer. 

Can someone tell me how to dry these beautiful hydrangea?  I have not had much luck doing so in the past. 

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Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Just finished this little bed-side table for my niece's room in "Antibes green" chalk paint. Great color. 

I gave the top two coats of clear wax to protect it and the rest of it one coat of clear, then I dark waxed the whole piece.  It really tones down the green and gives it more dimension. 

I love the coral knobs from Anthropologie.  They really have the greatest looking knobs, and not terribly expensive.  These were $10 each. 

This is the before pic!

And now after!